Bathing Beauty Pattern - swimsuit, towel, tote bag and swim ring for Dress Up Bunch dolls
Kids like to go swimming - and so do their Dress Up Bunch dolls! This pattern collection has everything they need for a day at the beach or pool.
- bikini
- towel
- tote bag
- swim ring
Please note - this pattern is just for the outfit and accessories. None of the dolls you see in the photos are included. All the Dress Up Bunch dolls (except Mini Lizzie) can wear all of the Dress Up Bunch outfits and accessories.
This is exclusively available as a PDF pattern, delivered instantly and ready to print onto letter-size paper. No shipping costs and no waiting!
You Get. . .
- A digital pattern delivered by email. (If you're not sure what a PDF pattern is, you'll find more info here.)
- Pattern for a cute bikini with no ties - I hate doll clothes that require bow-tying! This has an elastic top so it just pulls on over her head.
- Pattern for a matching tote bag to hold her gear.
- A cute towel, of course, with a fun patterned border.
- And a swim ring! With a swim ring your doll can stay in the water All Day Long, just floating and playing and twirling and dreaming.
- Pattern pieces are full-sized and ready to print directly onto paper, freezer paper or Sulky Sticky Fabri-solvy. No enlarging or tracing needed!
- Detailed instructions and lots of full-color step-by-step photos. You’ll never feel lost or wonder if you’re doing things right.
- Links to videos teaching you all the techniques you need to know to complete the project. You can totally make this!
Fits all Dress Up Bunch dolls (dolls are 17 inches tall)
Easy! No special skills needed.
You can find links to sources for many of my favorite tools and supplies here.
You'll need. . .
- 1 fat quarter for the bikini
- 1 fat quarter for the tote bag
- 1/2 yard terry cloth for the towel
- 1 fat quarter for the towel border
- 2 yards foldover elastic
- 2 sheets wool blend felt
- 70-80 1/2" felt circles
- embroidery thread to match the felt
- stuffing for the swim ring
You might also want. . .
- freezer paper (optional, but recommended)
- size #8 embroidery needle
- glue stick
This pattern is not available for commercial resale. That means you may not copy and sell or digitally distribute the pattern or any variation of the pattern.
For information about selling something you make using my designs, please see this post.