Lydia Leopard Applique Pattern
Mama and Baby Kangaroo Applique Pattern
Marcellus Monster Applique Pattern
Matroyshka Ornament Pattern
Maurice - Felt Mouse Pattern
Maurice the Black Bear Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Maxwell Monster Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Meep - a Monster Softie Pattern for the Dress Up Bunch
Melville - printable art - pink gingham dog
Melville the Blue Dog - printable art - Collage Style
Merrick the Monster Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Midnight the Cat Softie Pattern
Milo Mouse Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Milton Monkey Softie Pattern
Mini Lizzie - Tiny Dress Up Bunch rag doll pattern
Mini Stockings Advent Calendar Pattern
Minnie the Maltese Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Mischief of Mice - Mouse Softie Pattern
Mitten Ornament Pattern
Mix & Match Dragon Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Mix & Match Monsters Amigurumi Pattern
Mix & Match Monsters Quilt Pattern
Mo the Muskox Applique Pattern
Mollie - Dress Up Bunch rag doll pattern
Monster Mash embroidery pattern
More Playful Puppies Quilt Pattern
Mummy Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Munch - a softie pattern with a fun pocket mouth
Napoleon and Josephine - Elephant and Mouse Softie Pattern
Napoleon the Mouse
Nathaniel the Octopus Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Nellie - a pig stuffed animal pattern
Nelson the Owl - Amigurumi Pattern
Night Owls embroidery pattern
Noisy Farm Quilt Pattern
Norbert - printable art - blue gingham dog
Octavian Owl Applique Pattern
Olson Otter - printable art - Collage Style
Orly Ostrich Applique Pattern
Orville the Owl Softie sewing pattern
Oswin Octopus Applique Pattern
Owen the Monkey Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Owl - printable art - Collage Style
Padgett Pig - printable art - Collage Style
Palmer - Felt Penguin Pattern
Papa and Baby Penguin Applique Pattern
Paper Dolls Quilt Pattern