Elliott the Elephant Pattern
Emma Elephant
Kepler the Lion Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Elephant Parade Quilt Pattern
Napoleon and Josephine - Elephant and Mouse Softie Pattern
Zoey Zebra
Hayley Hippo Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Milton Monkey Softie Pattern
Owen the Monkey Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Carlisle Crocodile
Ellie the Elephant Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Leon Lion
Jacob Giraffe Crochet Amigurumi Pattern
Dress Up Bunch Doll Nightgown, Quilt, and Elephant Softie
Rhonda Rhino
Liam Lion Applique Pattern
Ginny Giraffe Applique Pattern
Shinji the Snow Monkey Applique Pattern
Ellen Elephant Applique Pattern
Thaddeus Tiger Applique Pattern
Silas the Spider Monkey Applique Pattern
Lucien Lion Applique Pattern
Lion in Wait - Mini Fabric Collection
Adrian Alligator Applique Pattern
Zulima Zebra Applique Pattern
Elephant Art Print - printable digital files
Lion Art Printables
Giraffe Art Print - printable digital files
Leighton Lemur Applique Pattern
Chad Chimpanzee Applique Pattern
Sawyer Snake Applique Pattern
Madison Meerkat Applique Pattern
Harper Hippo Applique Pattern
Casey Crocodile Applique Pattern
Safari Bundle #1
Grady Gazelle Applique Pattern
Galen Gorilla Applique Pattern
Alligator/Crocodile - printable art - Collage Style
Waffles Warthog
Lydia Leopard Applique Pattern
Jesse Jaguar Applique Pattern
Carson Cougar Applique Pattern
Oodles Orangutan Applique Pattern
Beau Bat Applique Pattern
Vigo Vulture Applique Pattern
Lemur - printable art - Collage Style
Zebra - printable art - Collage Style